“All the Cops! In the Ground! Rest in Peace! Michael Brown”
Dateline Monday, November 24, 2014 – Portland Oregon. At Portland’s Justice Center this evening, a clear line of demarcation could be seen. One group led by an African American male, followed President Obama’s lead in advocating peaceful protest. (Although the protestor did in fact call for the “destruction of physical systems.”) Another group, led by violent anarchists, and elements of the former Occupy, called for violence, and the outright killing of police officers. In this video, a drunk and often vocal Jesse Sponberg, just can’t keep to himself.
Sponberg, once a leader in Portland’s now deceased Occupy movement, is still a leader of a fringe element of the far Left. “Do whatever the fuck you want, “ encourages Sponberg, “if someone wants to turn over a fucking cop car, then turn over a fucking cop car.” He then encourages a group of masked anarchists to take to the street shouting “Fuck the Police.”
In a tense moment one masked anarchist can be seen pointing into the Police Bureau and calling out police officers Rich Storm, Rob Blanck, and Kris Barber. These officers had posted a photo of a PPB badge with the words “I am Darren Wilson” on a banner across it. They were forced to remove it earlier in the day by Portland Police Chief Mike Reese. “They’re scared!,” taunts the anarchist.
The main chant used by the protest actually calls for the death of police officers: ““All the Cops! In the Ground! Rest in Peace! Michael Brown”