Obama appointed US District Attorney Amanda Marshall: “I think we need a bunch of Oregonian guys in flannel shirts with rifles out there, and trucks,… saying: “Hey I’m OK with, you know, Universal Background Checks and limits to magazine clips …”

Dateline Tuesday October 21, 2014 – Portland Oregon: In this Volume 2 of highlights from the Gabby Giffords event held at a Public High School, we look at just what legislation is envisioned by the folks around the table. Representative Smith Warner states: “I’m glad to be here to talk to all of you about what we can do in the legislature next year.” The group then speaks to what change needs to be made to share the Oregon gun database with the feds. Remember, theoretically this database does not exist.

Judy Shiprack, Multnomah County Commissioner, District 3, calls Representative Warner on the carpet asking her just what she’s going to do about it. Rep. Smith Warner suggests: “If the problem came from an Administrative ruling, can the solution come from an administrative ruling as well?” (Watch for that slight of hand in the next legislative session). Representative Smith warner then nods along is ascention as Erin Greenwald, Attorney for Oregon Department of Justice, suggests changes to State law which would allow Law Enforcement to confiscate weapons without a person ever having been convicted of a crime. Vanessa Timmons of Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, echoes the sentiments, leaving no doubt that group’s goal is to make the Oregon Law the same as the Federal Law.

U.S. Attorney S. Amanda Marshall, takes a poke at Oregon Sheriffs, lamenting the fact that they will not enforce Unconstitutional Federal Laws. (For someone who is not supposed to be advocating legislation, Attorney Marshall seems to be taking some pretty strongly held positions in her official capacity.) In an exchange with Gabby Giffords the Oregon Sheriffs are derided with laughter and compared with Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Robert Yuille, one of four board members of “Gun Owners for Responsible Ownership” is quoted as saying we need to change the culture, but in the end: “”Certainly we need registration!” In a rare moment of honesty, the Marshall states: “”The truth is: More kids die every year in swimming pools.” (So why are we here again?). Shiprack then brings up her advocacy for limits to Magazine Capacity limitations like those they have jammed through in Connecticut. It’s clear that Attorney Marshall, although she’s not there to advocate legislation, is all in favor of that as well.

Another 5 minutes of anti-Second Amendment lunacy from the belly of the beast: Portland Oregon. Please ::LIKE::, the video, share it with two friends, and hit the ::SUBSCRIBE:: button!


Dan Sandini(IMDB Page) From the Cast Page for the Documentary “Occupy Unmasked”:  Inspired by Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, Dan Sandini is an independent citizen journalist working out of Portland, Oregon. He is a staunch advocate of the First Amendment. In 2010 he was assaulted by Democrat thugs for having the temerity to record a speech by then gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber. He produced a video of the Orwellian experience, which has received almost 70,000 views. Following the 2011 Tax Day TEA Party he produced videos detailing the hateful rhetoric and behavior of the Left, including homophobia, racism, anti-Americanism, and threats of violence. These videos have been seen by over 1 Million people and were featured on The Glenn Beck ProgramThe O’Reilly Factor, and Sean Hannity.

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  1. Gov Kitz has forced the State Police to investigate EVERY gun DENIAL. It takes more than 50% of their time, so far no one has been arrested. Some are misdemeanors from 17 years ago that they deemed a deniable offense. The governor is out of control and pissed off at the troopers because during his first term and marriage, he would sneak out of the mansion to meet his lover and they would have to follow him. They HAD TO FOLLOW HIM and he is really mad at them. His wife would sneak out the other door and meet her lover. So now he is WASTING tax payer money chasing nothing while all the current cases aren’t get investigated let alone prosecuted.

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