Dateline Sunday June 15, 2015 – Portland Oregon:  For weeks I have been investigating the ever widening PSU funding scandal which has embroiled university administration right up though Provost for Student Affairs Jackie Balzer.  I knew it was too good to be true when Balzer ordered underling Scott Gallagher (PhD, well la-dee-dah) to send me the information I needed.   I had already exposed that the University spent 20 Grand to fund domestic terrorists like Scott Crow who rubs elbows with the folks who sought to fire bomb the GOP Convention .  Crow bragged about it during his speech at Smith Student Union.

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Courtney Bailey (publicly available Facebook)

The funds were dispersed under signature from Courtney Bailey, a ditzy 20-something Arts and Advocacy Advisor.  The thousand dollar payment to Crow was made as a part of the recent “Anarchist Conference,”  called the “5th Annual Law and Disorder Conference.”  Yes I know, you just can’t make this stuff up.

For two weeks, Gallagher, a public servant who bears the title of Director of Communications for Portland State University, has been promising me the information I requested.

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Left. Anti-Semitic “beat poet” Kanazi is just one of the controversial figures sponsored by PSU. Center. Gallagher: “we have begun to gather the information you requested but it will take time…” Right: What passes for taxpayer-subsidized art on display at PSU for graduates and their families this weekend.

On May 28th Gallagher sent me the following email:

“My name is Scott Gallagher and I work with the media regarding information and public records requests. It’s my understanding that Aimee provided information to you already and that you have a request for more (noted below). We’ll begin pooling the information you requested but it will take longer due to our limited staffing as we get closer to graduation. Feel free to contact me for future requests.”

Note well how there is no mention of cost.  His original response only indicates that the University is starting to get the requested info together.   Here’s simple request I made:

“Please provide an Excel spreadsheet with all of the revenues and expenses for all PSU student groups as follows. Please ensure that all expenses have a vendor name. In this “Electronic Data Dump” provide expenditures and revenues detailing all of fiscal year 2013 and fiscal year 2014 right through the completion of the Anarchist Conference and all it’s associated financial activities. Include all invoices and receipts associated with the conference, and the following groups or organizations: Students for Unity, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), the International Socialists Organization (ISO), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and the Muslim Student Association (MSA).”

Bottom line, instead of information, the response received on Friday included a total bill for $1374.50.  Yes, that’s what it will cost the taxpayer to find out what PSU is paying to subsidize anti-Semitism and terrorism on campus.  The response does offer to to send part of the information, the Excel spreadsheet, for $54.50.  I have already written out a check for the extortion out of my own pocket.  I’ll also be writing to President of the University Wim Weasel Wiewel to make sure he knows exactly what’s going on.  Wiewel, who takes home $627,000/year in salary alone on the taxpayer dime, has already “licked his own lollipop” regarding transparency in an editorial he wrote for the Daily Fishwrapper:

“We understand that transparency is vital and have held campus briefings on the budget that will continue in the coming weeks. …We welcome feedback from the campus and the community.”

Well Wim, it’s time to put up or shut up.

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According to Wikipedia nearly 5 Million Jews were systematically exterminated in the Nazi Concentration camps.  I’ve had the opportunity to visit one of those camps which by German law are kept open so that people might never forget the atrocities that occurred there.  These are the same atrocities that are now being glossed over with a little help from Gallagher, Balzer, Wiewel and our taxpayer funded University.  Above the door near the gas chambers is an ornate, long rusted sign with the words “Arbeit Macht Frei.”  Inteded for the occupants, it means:  “Work Makes You Free.”  Well PSU:  Checks in the mail.  Get busy.

Dan SandiniFrom the Cast Page for the Documentary “Occupy Unmasked”: Inspired by Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, Dan Sandini is an independent citizen journalist working out of Portland, Oregon. He is a staunch advocate of the First Amendment. In 2010 he was assaulted by Democrat thugs for having the temerity to record a speech by then gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber. He produced a video of the Orwellian experience, which has received almost 70,000 views. Following the 2011 Tax Day TEA Party he produced videos detailing the hateful rhetoric and behavior of the Left, including homophobia, racism, anti-Americanism, and threats of violence. These videos have been seen by over 1 Million people and were featured on The Glenn Beck Program, The O’Reilly Factor, and Sean Hannity.







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