Cover Oregon, driver’s Licenses, free breakfast lunch and child care are just some of the offerings at this “Spanish Only” Conference sponsored by Portland Public Schools.

Dateline Saturday March 1, 2014 – Portland Oregon: While the advertisement was partially bi-lingual, that was pretty much the only thing that was in English at the “Conferencia Familiar Latina” held at Roosevelt High School in North Portland this weekend. An organizer explains to the reporter: “I think it was intended to do everything in Spanish.” Free breakfast, lunch and child care are provided while parents learn the benefits of Common Core. Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and other Latin counties are honored with posters, some of which shout “Justice!”. (No posters for Uncle Sam however I’m afraid.) Folks are spotted taking large amounts of food home with them and others are caught on tape not cleaning up after themselves. At the exhibitors tables, Kitzhaber’s Cover Oregon offers free health care, TRIMET offers informational brochures completely in Spanish, and yet another table provides Driver’s License info in Spanish. The shin dig is actually a catered affaire. Cost to the taxpayer: unknown.

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