“You’re a Phony! You’re a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. You’re Something Close to a Satanist!”
Dateline Monday October 13, 2014 – Following a “Yes on 88!” Rally at the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon, a local priest decides to engage the small anti-Illegal counter protest which has gathered outside. WJ Mark Knutson who is Pastor of the Augustana Lutheran Church decides to question the protestors on scripture. As he does, he appears to stagger, or atleast swagger into the crowd. The answers he gets from the protestors, and the videographer seem to sting at first “pay onto Caesar, wharf is Caesar’s, pay unto God,” and he is reminded that Jesus threw the money lenders (representative of the establishment) out of the church. Unsatisfied, Father seem to have lost his vehicle. A well known Portland pro-illegal activist suddenly becomes his chauffeur for a quick getaway. But not before a high vocal and vociferous anti-Illegal protestor calls him out: “You’re a Phony! You’re a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. You’re Something Close to a Satanist!”