“Get yo a$$ oughta my mother f*ckin’ house!” Woman caught on camera presumably endangering the health and welfare of a child.
Dateline Saturday, July 13, 2019; Saint Petersburg Florida. A woman appears to have been captured on camera spraying window cleaner in the face of a child, and cussing at her grandchildren. The public video was posted to Snapchat at approximately 3 PM on Saturday July 13, 2019 and was downloaded by a Citizen Journalist after spotting it. Although the precise location was not provided by Snapchat, one can see the approximate location as being at an apartment complex located somewhere near the intersection of 20th Way South and 56th Place in Saint Petersburg. This is the approximate location of the Bay Point Elementary School.
The woman appears to be the young boy’s Grandmother trying to scare the boy out of the apartment. The mother of the child looks on laughs, and is presumably the person to have taken, labeled and publicly posted the video. A direct hit to the face is clearly seen as the child falls over temporarily blinded. The video is laced with profanity the likes of which should never be heard by a child.
While the people in the people in the video seem to find it amusing, spraying someone in the face with Windex is no laughing matter. The video is clearly labeled: “SHE SPRAYED US WITH WINDOW CLEANER.” The liquid is clear but foamy. Windex is now available in a clear formula and the bottle appears to be the same as that shown in the video. The EWG Guide to Healthy Cleaning provides the following warning regarding Windex:
“The ammonium hydroxide used in the cleaner can cause severe eye and skin irritation, as well as coughing, sore throat, labored breathing and shortness of breath. If it comes in contact with the eyes it will result in redness, blurred vision and burns. A prolonged exposure to another chemical used in the ingredients of Windex – the propylene glycol, can be a health hazard for your brain, kidneys and liver. It is documented that the exposure to these chemically infused detergents has short-term effects on asthma.”
From the Cast Page for the Documentary “Occupy Unmasked”: Inspired by Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, Dan Sandini is an independent citizen journalist … He is a staunch advocate of the First Amendment. In 2010 he was assaulted by Democrat thugs for having the temerity to record a speech by then gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber. He produced a video of the Orwellian experience, which has received almost 70,000 views. Following the 2011 Tax Day TEA Party he produced videos detailing the hateful rhetoric and behavior of the Left, including homophobia, racism, anti-Americanism, and threats of violence. These videos have been seen by over 1 Million people and were featured on The Glenn Beck Program, The O’Reilly Factor, and Sean Hannity.