“The US is not the Center of anything,” claims Revolutionary Ahjamu Umi while delivering his speech to a packed house in SE Portland.

Dateline Thursday April 24, 2014 — Portland Oregon: The head of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party gave a rousing speech to a standing room only rally at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Southeast Portland Thursday evening. In this video that contains speech highlights, Ahjamu Umi identifies himself as a revolutionary:

“A revolutionary is someone who is opposed to the Capitalist system and wants to see it destroyed.”

Describing himself as a “slave with a Master’s Degree, ” Umi claims “the US is not the Center of anything” and warns the audience: “you need to get that out of your mind right now.” The crowd goes wild. Umi explains that he does not believe in the electoral system of Government, and indicates that he is building his movement by recruiting dozens of youth. “We can’t even ‘orientate’ [sic] them fast enough,” claims Umi. He goes on to call for the defeat of the Koch Brothers, and ridicules farming, calling it “a Bourgeois Fantasy.”

His emotional speech was delivered at the packed event “Kshama Sawant Speaks in Portland,” sponsored by the “Vote Sawant Campaign” and endorsed by “15 Now Portland Chapter,” “Portland Socialist Alternative,” and “Nick Caleb for Portland City Council.” This four minute highlight reel is provided in full HD. The full speech is linked at the end of the video.

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