BREAKING NEWS! Dateline Friday, May 16, 2014 – Portland, Oregon: In a shocking discovery, Portland State University paid approximately $20K for an anarchist’s conference which featured self-described domestic terrorists brought in from out of state, and a seminar on “White Privilege.” The “5th Annual Law & Disorder Conference,” was held at the Smith Memorial Building” on campus May 9-11.

Email to the Office office of “Student Activities and Leadership” (SALP) at first went unanswered. Aimee Shattuck (Left) the Director of the office finally responded shortly after a follow-up email to Jackie Balzer (right), Portland State University’s Provost for Student Affaires.

Screen Capture of email from Portland State University officials detailing the costs associated with the anarchists conference.
The Conference was reported on by Citizen Journalists Laughing at Liberals and Daylight Disinfectant. One of the videos depicting foul language, incivility and downright chaos among students has gone viral for L@L, receiving well over 100K views in just 5 days. The video was featured in TIME and leaves egg squarely in the face of the university organizers who have yet to release a public statement on what transpired. According to YouTube Channel Laughing at Liberals:
“Anarcho-Syndicalists protest/get protested at their own conference. A panelist by the name of Kristian Williams was scheduled to speak at the annual Law & Disorder conference, but was thwarted by a protest. No one could actually articulate what their issue is with Mr. Williams. Campus police were eventually called in as the panelists fled.”
My first email to the Student Activity and Leadership Program (SALP) to determine the cost of the conference was blown off. A follow up email to Jackie Balzer, the Provost for Student Affairs brought swift results. According to SALP Director Aimee Shattuck, a total of $19,919 was approved by University management to fund the free-for-all. This included: rooms, audio visual support, speakers fees, food, advertising, and security.
These speakers included out-of-stater Scott Crow, a self described domestic terrorist who kept company with those who plotted to bomb the Republican National Convention. According to Crow, he made Homeland Security, CIA and NSA watch lists. See a very LONG yet interesting speech by him here, where he calls Breitbart favorite Brandon Darby a “traitor.” Darby brought information to the attention of the FBI to help foil the plot. Friends of Crow are serving lengthy jail sentences thanks to Darby’s testimony. In the video Scott rambles on about Lisa Fithian and there’s applause from the audience when Crow brands himself a terrorist, and talks about an attempt to burn down the Governor’s Mansion.
In another section of the conference, Jared Rheah provides a lecture titled: “Zombies and the White Savior Complex.” It was delivered in a campus classroom to a small, yet receptive audience. The entire video must be seen to be believed, but some excerpts are particularly incredible. For example near the end Rhea explains:
“Whiteness isn’t skin color … skin color is a marker of whiteness that can signify to others, this person may be white … I act white, and by acting white, I prove to everybody else that I’m white, and that at that point the privileges that are associated with whiteness are ones that I take on.”
All this subsidized by the taxpayers. More as this story develops.
From the Cast Page for the Documentary “Occupy Unmasked”: Inspired by Andrew Beitbart and James O’Keefe, Dan Sandini is an independent citizen journalist working out of Portland, Oregon. He is a staunch advocate of the First Amendment. In 2010 he was assaulted by Democrat thugs for having the temerity to record a speech by then gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber. He produced a video of the Orwellian experience, which has received almost 70,000 views. Following the 2011 Tax Day TEA Party he produced videos detailing the hateful rhetoric and behavior of the Left, including homophobia, racism, anti-Americanism, and threats of violence. These videos have been seen by over 1 Million people and were featured on The Glenn Beck Program, The O’Reilly Factor, and Sean Hannity.
Suppose that 100 people attended the Law and Disorder Conference. (I doubt that there were that many.) At $20K for the whole group, that’s $200 per attendee. Who catered the food? Papa Hayden’s?
“Whiteness isn’t skin color … skin color is a marker of whiteness that can signify to others, this person may be white … I act white, and by acting white, I prove to everybody else that I’m white, and that at that point the privileges that are associated with whiteness are ones that I take on.” That sounds like a description of Barack Obama. If “white” means “arrogant elitist asshole”, why not simplify matters and just call Obama an “arrogant elitist asshole”?
Great comment!
Wow. Universities fund conferences on political issues and they dont aleays go well. Thanks for bringing us that groundbreaking story. I guess there isnt anything of real importance going on for you to hyperbolize over.
Pingback: Irony of the Fifth Annual Law & Disorder Conference in Portland, Oregon: | Bloviating Zeppelin
Is this ” For the Kids” ??
It’s for the chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiildren. lol.
“All this subsidized by the taxpayers.”
The money used by Students for Unity to pay for the event came from the student fee. The student fee is paid by all students at PSU, put into a fund controlled by the student-elected Student Fee Committee, and then variously allocated and approved by its subcommittees to be used by various student groups and organizations, including KPSU, the Vanguard, French Club, Debate Team, College Republicans, and – yes – Students for Unity.
The so called “Student Fees” are ***the same*** as tuition to a student who ***must*** pay them. It’s in effect a tax. To a student the cost burden is the same. It’s an artificial syntax set up by the “functionaries” who like to pretend they have real skills and pretend they have real-jobs, when in fact they are Government bureaucrats. Also the facilities, security, logistics, power, property: everything you see and consume at Portland State is at the subsidization and benevolence of the taxpayer. What happened is in fact: state sponsored terrorism at the hands of these incompetent and malevolent people. I have no intention of changing the truth, based on your artificial syntax. The American public is no longer going to have the Left frame the terms of the debate. Get used to it.